A petition to end the lockout and hopefully save the NHL
(too old to reply)
Louis Boulay
2005-02-15 02:59:30 UTC
A petition to end the lockout and hopefully save the NHL


We started a petition to stop the lockout at www.SaveTheNHL.com

You're invited to check it out and sign if you support us.

If you'd like to contribute or have any comments or question about the
petition you can contact me ***@savethenhl.com or simply post it here I'll
be checking often.

Thank you
2005-02-16 19:43:47 UTC
Post by Louis Boulay
A petition to end the lockout and hopefully save the NHL
We started a petition to stop the lockout at www.SaveTheNHL.com
You're invited to check it out and sign if you support us.
If you'd like to contribute or have any comments or question about the
I'll be checking often.
Thank you
As of now, a moot point...
Skorpion [skorpion at suespammers dot org]
"Don't attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
2005-03-04 06:46:38 UTC
Screw the NHL and the NHLPA.

Save Hockey. And take the Stanley Cup away from the NHL.
Post by Skorpion
Post by Louis Boulay
A petition to end the lockout and hopefully save the NHL
We started a petition to stop the lockout at www.SaveTheNHL.com
You're invited to check it out and sign if you support us.
If you'd like to contribute or have any comments or question about the
I'll be checking often.
Thank you
As of now, a moot point...